The consumption of alcohol is firmly established in the life of the people, and it is impossible to imagine without him, the feast and the fun. Everyone should know how much you can drink to do not harm your health and do not suffer from the hangover.

How to calculate its bespohmelnaya the rate of alcohol
To pay tribute to the tradition, people drink to the table and the different types of alcoholic beverages. But everyone wants to avoid the hangover in the morning, to preserve the health. The regular use of the consumption of spirits increases the risk of alcohol dependence. Everyone can calculate relatively safe for the alcohol. There is a formula that allows to find a single dose of alcohol, when it is guaranteed to be able to avoid the hangover: 1.5 ml of pure alcohol per 1 kg of body weight. Given the fact that in the vodka contains 40% alcohol, in terms of what kind of alcohol can we drink at the same time 3.75 ml per 1 kg of weight. If the alcohol extends over a period of 4 to 5 hours, the alcohol dose can increase by 25%.
You must necessarily take into account the age and sex. The older person, the more the body to cope with the consequences of an impact. The standard eligible for women is two times less than for the men. The presence of different additives, artificial colors or flavors also strengthens the syndrome of alcohol, therefore, a secondary effect of these drinks will be stronger than the vodka pure. There are other conditions in which the hangover is not to avoid, even if adhered to the standard of a binge:
- the mixture of different alcoholic beverages;
- the reception of cocktails, spirits and soft drinks;
- alcohol after a night without sleep;
- all in the time to drink spirits;
- the consumption of alcohol on an empty stomach or with fatty foods;
- the non-compliance of the break in the 20-25 minutes between drinking.
The best way to avoid a hangover is moderation in alcohol.
How much alcohol can we drink in the day, without prejudice to the organization
When the consumption of alcoholic beverages on the liver drops a large load due to the toxicity of ethanol. But the most alcohol-sensitive brain of man, which begins with the irreversible disappearance of the destruction of the cells constant drink spirits. The neural network is not able to recover until the next alcohol. If this is how much you can drink vodka, and on which the interval of time, it can cause irreparable damage to the health.
The alcohol damage and other organs in the human body, but they manage with the load a little better than the brain, and pass the recovery is faster, if met the standard, and between the consumption of alcohol for a long enough period of time. The limit of the capacity of a healthy person alcohol treatment is 2.4 ml of pure alcohol per 1 kg of body weight per day, but in terms of vodka – 6 ml After the consumption of such a rule should take 8 days break, so that the body can recover and return to normal.
How much alcohol can drink without the risk sleeping well
The onset of alcohol dependence is not always dependent on the amount consumed alcohol. To a greater extent, are the cause of genetic predisposition and psychological factors. Even people with a lot of drinkers, when this is necessary, capable of a long time to go without alcohol. But the regular consumption of alcohol can lead to dependence and cause heavy dependency. The term “critical dose is the maximum dose for the man, that he may drink without the risk of falling on 2-3-yu stage of alcoholism, when we lose control of consciousness and begins to drink alcohol with a heavy hangover.
A man warned that there is an addiction to alcohol, must almost know what stage it is in. It is important not to give the disease to progress and at least remain stable at this level. These people should remind themselves how much you need to drink vodka to not fall even more low, and, commitment, to abide by its own rules, while they are still able to control it. The increase of the amount of alcohol can lead to insanity and the heavy singing. People who consume moderately and tottering on the 1-2nd stage of alcoholism, may drink 100-300 g of vodka 1-4 times per month. This will be quite a bit wrong with the body and restrain the continuation of the downward spiral of addiction to alcohol, which can occur in a manner invisible to the drinker.
The doses of the different types of alcohol
Any amount of alcohol is dangerous for health. You need to exercise caution, even if the consumption of drugs manufactured with a basis of alcohol, and to respect the rules of their reception. Not worth it to ignore the sex (men are more resistant to the effects of the ethanol) and forget about the problems of health and diseases categories. If you are hypersensitive to certain types of alcohol in the first place, it is necessary to pay attention to the strength of the drink. With the same volume of an alcohol different from the content of ethyl varieties is not the same impact on the man.
Beverage, which is composed of dyes, aromas and different types of aromas, a lot more harm than a good cognac or natural wines. Taking into account the characteristics of each person's body is its alcohol level. Not the precise figure, how much can you drink alcohol each person, but approximate rule is the following: Do not mix different types of alcohol, in case of violation of these rules, the harmful effects of alcohol increase a lot. It is recommended for women to drink the male half of the dose. But the more minimal day-to-day consumption of liquor can lead to alcohol, if drinking on a regular basis.
Who can't drink alcohol
There is a category of people, who are against the consumption of any amount of vodka in the day:
- the person with 2-3-the stage of alcohol dependence.
- epileptic patients;
- those who have suffered concussion or a head injury;
- excitable, aggressive, personality conflicts, that they lose control of them after the frenzy.
People with various diseases should abstain from alcohol, and in exceptional cases drink only with the permission of the doctor.
Safe Dose of alcohol: which and how many?
Can alcohol be useful?

Yes, if it is a heart attack, liver or kidney colic. At the time, where under the hand, not of drugs, you can enjoy cognac or vodka – 1 tablespoon of any of these beverages will help to remove the spasm of the blood vessels and improve the patient's condition before arrival of "emergency". Help small doses of alcohol and the persons suffering from hypotension: 1 to 2 tablespoons of cognac are able to lead to sympathy arrangements, feelings of man, with a low blood pressure. No one will contest, and with a beneficial influence on the human body red wine dry. The fact that in the skins of red grapes and grapes of the bone contains resveratrol – a natural connection, which exerts a powerful antioxidant action. By entering into the body of the man with berries or prepared from them, wine is a substance that prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases and cancers, delaying the age of the modification of brain and musculo-skeletal disorders. In addition, natural wines improve digestion and prevent cholesterol deposits on the walls of blood vessels. Although the World health organization prohibits physicians recommend to their patients such as medications, alcoholic beverages. And this is all because the useful alcohol can be only in small doses, in large quantities, it is an addiction and the development of alcoholism.
What dose of alcohol is considered safe?
On the recommendations of the WHO, men should consume no more than 40 g of pure alcohol per day (about 2 bottles of beer, 100 ml of vodka or 3 glasses of dry wine). And women — 30 g of pure alcohol (with 1.5 bottles of beer or 80 g of vodka, 2 glasses of dry wine). And it was on the condition that 2 days per week people will not accept a drop of alcohol.
When does addiction start?
Admit the addiction to alcohol dare to the unit. Most people consider themselves to be Malouda, and in fact, a person can drink a bottle of beer a day, but every day, and the other to drink rarely, but firmly. Who has problems with alcohol? The world health organization knows the answer to this question. The experts of the WHO distinguishes four forms of alcohol consumption.
A safe form. This is when a person consumes no more than 210 ml (for men) or 135 ml (for women) of pure alcohol per week. On this day in the amount of alcohol should not exceed doses safe: 40ml (for men) and 30 ml of ethyl alcohol (for women).
Dangerous form. It is when one exceeds the doses are safe and do not respect the way of sobriety. Doctors caution that such a relationship with alcohol, people are likely in the future to be addicted to alcohol and get as a "bonus" of one of the diseases related to excessive alcohol consumption (liver cirrhosis, stomach ulcers, anemia, heart failure, etc).
The consumption of the harmful effects. This is when a person drinks it with greed (in continuous consumption of alcohol over 2 days), feels an irresistible desire to be sober. But the more a characteristic symptom of this form — the loss of control over the amount of drink. This is a person who has lost the sense of measure, but because more and more often, he gets drunk in the sole. The third form of alcohol consumption is not yet considered as an addiction, but it the brain and the internal organs of the person drinking enough to wear out.
Alcoholism. This form of alcohol consumption is characterized by resistant to the reluctance of man to renounce alcohol, even in the name of failing health. At this stage, the evolution and the form of drunkenness, for example, previously, people got drunk, was fun, and fell asleep, and now he had an aggressive form of behavior. When this dose of alcohol, drink a day, pushes several times.
Drink moderately — it is how much?
I'm not against it, if people of 70 to 100 grams of vodka per day drink. But we do not know from 70 to 100 grams. We even if we assoirons, it is necessary to pour a litre of alcohol at one time. But health is not added. This is why it is necessary to get used to the option of the consumption of wines. This is useful if a glass or two in the day of the wine up to drinking, but it is quality, — said the head of state.
70 grams of vodka or a glass of wine per day, it is a lot or a little? The WHO estimates that human consumption of more than 8 litres of pure alcohol per year poses a threat not only health, but also leads to the degradation of society. 70 grams of vodka and 28 ml (or 22 g) of pure alcohol. If the year of drinking mode "per day", it will come out a little over 5 litres of pure alcohol per year — below the "red line" of the WHO. C a glass of wine a day (125 ml of wine (15 ml or 12 g) of pure alcohol) for a year of success is less than 3 liters of alcohol. But, generally, in the various countries, the rate of alcohol consumption without significant risk to health are considered by week or by day and can vary greatly.
Is it true that wine is safer to spirits?
A number of studies shows the relationship of moderate alcohol consumption to low risk for the development of different diseases. For example, you can hear it on the fact that the moderate consumption of red wine reduces the risk of diseases of the cardio-vascular system. But may be, for the heart, red wine is not the best beer, white wine or alcohol, — noted in the clinic , one of the largest providers of private health and research centres around the world. Until now, no conclusive evidence that the red wine is the most useful, other types of alcohol, when it comes to the potential use for the heart. It is important to understand that the studies comparing moderate drinkers, those who do not drink at all, may overestimate the benefits of alcohol. The fact that non-drinkers may already have health problems due to which they have stopped drinking. We need more research before we can say that the red wine to the heart better than other types of alcohol. And if, for example, it is all a matter contained in wine, resveratrol, can be obtained from grapes or grape juice, without the use of alcohol, although the question of the science is still sufficiently studied.
The professionals of the Centers of control and disease prevention is clearly an answer to the question: "is drinking wine or beer is more safe than a strong alcohol?". No. A bottle of beer 0.33 l, contains the same amount of alcohol as a glass of wine in 150 ml or 50 ml of vodka. The number of lawyers of the alcohol — it is this that affects the health more than the sight of the alcohol. In general, the latest recommendations clearly say: a person should not begin drinking or drink more with the idea that it is good for the health.
And what do the experts say?
The use of the preference of wines, vodka is highly questionable, writes Konstantin Minkevich, psychiatrist-toxicologist from the 1st qualifying session of the class, director and physician — either way, the action of any alcoholic beverage is due to the presence in its composition of ethanol, and it is everywhere and the wine and the beer and vodka. Therefore the value of a beverage, and of its number and the frequency of consumption. At the present time, the World health organization adheres to quite radical on the alcohol consumption, so that the research data indicate that, totally secure spreading of the alcohol does not exist, not to mention some of the health benefits. Therefore, the statement that "a glass or two of wine a day is useful" is simply not true. I would not want to fall into the moralizing, and to call for extreme measures, but it is important to understand that each person, drink alcohol, are potentially at risk of falling ill, of alcohol dependence. And one of the risk factors of the disease is at the time the regular consumption of "moderate" lower doses of alcoholic beverages such as wine or beer. On the fact that a dose of alcohol is not said and chief toxicologist of the Ministry of health, Ivan Chorzow: "We are talking about a minimum of harmful amounts, but it all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism".